Title IX


KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载坚定地致力于维护一个没有性骚扰的校园环境. The University is also committed to meeting its ethical and moral obligation to prevent sexual harassment; to provide support for assault victims, 并对校园社区进行KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载性/性别骚扰和歧视的教育.

The university believes in zero tolerance for sex/gender-based harassment. 零容忍意味着当骚扰指控被提交给适当的管理员时, 将采取保护措施和其他补救措施,以合理确保此类行为的目的, is not repeated, and the effects on the victim and community are remedied; including serious sanctions when a respondent is found to have violated this policy. 制定这项政策是为了重申这些原则,并为权利受到侵犯的个人提供追索权. Therefore, 女性和男性都应该知道大学致力于提供一致的, timely, 对大学管辖范围内的性骚扰受害者给予关怀和回应.

虽然大学认识到申诉人可能希望在创伤经历后保护他或她的隐私, 我们也应该理解大学有责任维护整个校园的完整性和安全. Where circumstances exist are deemed a danger to the University community at large, 有关性侵犯的相关细节将立即由大学官员公开发布. Further, 1990年的《KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载》(《KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载》)要求每年公布在大学管辖范围内发生的性侵犯统计数据. 事故只报告给O. W. Reily Student Health and  Campus Counseling Center are included in these statistics, along with statistics from the Department of Public Safety. 然而,在任何此类统计报告中都没有披露申诉人的身份.

其他不当行为也可以秘密报告给学生发展主任或三角洲州警察局和/或克利夫兰警察局. Other such inappropriate conduct may include repeated and unwanted telephone calls, social media, 和/或电子邮件联系人的淫秽或淫秽性质, or personal threats.


If a complainant would like the details of an incident to be kept confidential, 投诉人可与:

  • 校园心理健康顾问
  • 校内健康服务提供者
  • Off-campus:
    • 心理健康专业咨询师
    • 当地强奸危机顾问
    • 家庭暴力资源;
    • 地方或州援助机构,
    • Clergy/Chaplains
    • Personal Attorney
    • 初级保健医生

除面临直接威胁或危险的极端情况外,上述各方均应保密, or abuse of a minor. 校园辅导员可以免费提供帮助,并且可以在正常工作时间内看到紧急情况. 这些员工将(及时)匿名提交, 汇总统计信息,除非他们认为这会对特定客户有害, patient, or parishioner.


大学强烈鼓励任何经历过不当性行为的人通过本政策中的程序报告事件. 妥善报告事件,使大学能够采取措施确保投诉人和其他人的安全,并提供支持服务.

The University’s Title IX Coordinator is responsible for overseeing compliance with Title IX and other laws; which address sexual misconduct and discrimination. 协调员监督和进行性骚扰案件的调查,以及临时住宿和支持措施,以帮助投诉者和被告. 向大学提交正式报告的最简单和直接的途径是联系第九条协调员:

If a person does not wish to report directly to the Title IX Coordinator, they are encouraged to contact one of the following officials, 他们还可以提供及时的援助:

  • Vice President of Student Affairs; Phone: 662-846-4150
  • Senior Women Administrator; Phone: 662-846-4300
  • Director of Student Life; Phone: 662-846-4666
  • Human Resource Director; Phone: 662-846-4035
  • University Police; Phone: 662-846-4155


  1. 从DSU主页,点击“myDSU”选项卡. 向下滚动并单击“DSU C”.A.R.E.S” tab. 点击标题IX标签并填写一份报告. 一旦提交,报告将立即发送到第九条协调员的电子邮件地址.
  2. 通知任何DSU员工或管理员. They are required to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator.

任何人都可以向DSU校园内的任何其他人提交性骚扰报告, 与任何DSU计划或活动有关, and/or involving a member of the University community at any time.

1. 紧急援助

If you are in immediate physical danger or need emergency medical care, CALL 911. 你的安全是第一位的. The options for assistance listed below can provide a quick response, 但如果你处于危险之中,他们无法提供必要的即时物理存在来帮助你. 如果您认为您有直接的身体危险或您需要立即的医疗援助, call 911. Police and/or an ambulance will be dispatched to assist you as necessary. 如果学校官员没有接到你的911报警电话,他们会在你安全后通知你.


遭受性侵犯的人应该在事件发生后尽快采取措施保存证据, 即使他或她不确定是否要报告. 为了更好地保存证据:

    • 不洗澡或冲洗.
    • Try not to urinate. Urinating may reduce the ability to detect “date rape” drugs.
    • If there was oral contact, do not smoke, eat, or brush your teeth.
    • 不要换衣服. 如果你已经换了衣服,把它们放在纸袋里,因为塑料会破坏证据. 如果你没有换衣服,那就穿上原来的衣服,多带一套回家穿.
    • 物理证据恢复工具包(PERK)将有助于保存攻击的法医证据. 告知您的医疗保健提供者您希望尽快进行PERK手术.


在工作场所对大学员工的性骚扰或其他不当行为可能违反本政策和/或大学的骚扰(http://kg.m-y-c.net/policies/policy/university-policies/employment/employee-responsibilities-and-standards/harassment/)及非歧视政策(http://kg.m-y-c.net/policies/policy/university-policies/employment/recruitment-and-selection/equal-employment-opportunity/). 举报不涉及性侵犯或其他暴力的工作场所性骚扰, 鼓励员工遵循本文件所载的报告程序. If workplace misconduct does involve sexual assault or other violence, 员工不应该试图直接与被告解决问题. In such cases, 员工应直接向第九条协调员或人力资源总监报告此事.

员工可以通过访问DSU主页向第九条协调员提交报告, 单击myDSU选项卡, 向下滚动并单击DSU C.A.R.E.S页并填写报告. Once submitted, it will go directly to the Title IX Coordinator’s email address. 您也可以致电(662)846-4690致电第九条协调员或发送电子邮件至titleix@m-y-c.net. 请务必附上您的KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载.


If a report is made to an employee of the University other than those listed above, 该员工可能有也可能没有义务向第九条协调员报告投诉, 这取决于员工的职位和工作职责. 请参阅下面的说明.

根据第九章和本政策,所有大学员工都被视为“负责任的员工”. When a Responsible Employee receives a report of sexual harassment, 他或她有义务向第九条协调员报告这一指控. As discussed below, there is a single, 这一强制性报告要求的狭隘例外是,被指控的不当行为涉及非暴力的员工对员工的工作场所骚扰.

After reporting sexual harassment, will the information be kept confidential?

大学将尽最大可能保密有关性行为不端的报告信息, but cannot guarantee that all information it receives will be kept confidential. 一旦报告提交给负责任的员工, 大学有责任调查此事,并努力保护社区成员的安全. In some instances, 这意味着必须向参与调查的个人提供某些资料.

在接到性行为不端的报告后, 第九条协调员将尝试联系提出申诉的人(“申诉人”),以确定他或她在隐私方面的意愿. 如果投诉人要求对其身份或其他信息保密, 或者不追究纪律处分, the University will give careful consideration to that request. However, there may be instances in which such requests cannot be honored, 因为他们会损害大学为所有学生确保安全和非歧视环境的能力. 考虑的因素包括但不限于:

  • The risk of the accused committing other acts of sexual misconduct, such as where other complaints have been made against the same person.
  • 类似性质的性行为不端的风险, 比如多起袭击发生在同一地点或涉及同一团体.
  • 使用暴力和/或武器.
  • 多名肇事者涉嫌参与.
  • 指控被告威胁或报复投诉人或其他人.
  • 投诉人的年龄.
  • 双方在《KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载》(FERPA)和其他适用的隐私法律下的权利和/或学校的义务.

If the University determines it can honor a request to keep information private, 它将采取符合这项要求的步骤,确保投诉人和其他人的安全. However, 投诉人应明白,尊重隐私要求必然会损害大学的调查能力,并且通常会阻止对被告采取任何纪律处分. If someone who initially requested privacy later requests an investigation, 大学将尊重这一要求. However, 延误可能会损害大学进行彻底调查或采取适当补救行动的能力.

If the University determines it cannot honor a request for privacy, it will inform the complainant before any disclosure is made. 大学将采取一切必要的措施来保护投诉人,并确保信息只提供给那些有合法需要知道的人. 大学将向被告和其他收到信息的人明确表示,对投诉人的任何报复行为都是不能容忍的.


A Responsible Employee is any DSU employee (a) who has actual authority to redress sexual harassment; (b) who has been given the duty of reporting incidents of sexual misconduct or any other misconduct to appropriate University authorities; or (c) who a student would reasonably but mistakenly believe has this authority or duty.

The Responsible Employee designation applies to professors and other faculty, 院长和部门主管, 体育教练和管理人员, personnel in the Vice President of Student Affairs’ Office, 大学警察局人员, 宿舍助理和主任, and any other employee who meets any of the three elements above. If you are uncertain whether you or someone else is a Responsible Employee, the Title IX Coordinator can help you make that determination.

机密的员工– Certain employees are specifically exempted from Responsible Employee status. 这些包括(1)持牌辅导员, 比如校园咨询中心, (2)卫生保健提供者,如O.W. Reily Student Health Center; and (3) pastoral counselors. 这些员工不需要向大学传达任何KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载性行为不端的信息. 符合上述描述职责的教职员工在以咨询或临床身份行事时收到的信息可免于强制报告, 但不适用于在其他设置中接收的信息, 比如和学生的办公时间.


What happens when I inform a Responsible Employee of sexual harassment?

When a Responsible Employee receives a report of sexual harassment, they have a mandatory duty to report that allegation to the Title IX Coordinator. 这意味着负责任的员工 must 通知第九条协调员, 即使遭受骚扰的人要求员工不要这样做. Consequently, 遭受性骚扰的个人不应认为告知这些员工将导致大学采取补救措施. They should instead report the matter directly to the Title IX Director.

Are there any exceptions to a Responsible Employee's duty to report?

对于负责任员工的强制性报告要求有一个狭窄的例外. If the alleged sexual misconduct is harassment of one employee by another employee and 没有性侵犯或其他暴力指控 and 据称没有学生或未成年人参与其中, 那么负责任的员工就可以, 在他或她的判断, decide not to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator.

这一例外承认,员工可能希望与同事就非暴力骚扰事件进行磋商,而不会立即引发大学的调查. It applies solely to the reporting obligation addressed in this policy. 这并不免除任何雇员根据任何其他政策或法律可能承担的任何其他报告义务. In all cases, 我们强烈鼓励所有员工告知他们的同事,他们可以选择向大学报告工作场所的骚扰或其他性行为不端.


当负责任的员工得知针对大学社区任何成员的性行为不端时,必须通知大学的第九条协调员, guest on campus, 或参加任何大学课程.

  • 报告应及时. 在实际情况下,负责任的员工应尽快向第九条协调员报告性行为不端事件.
  • 报告不是自由裁量的To be clear, 除了上面描述的一个例外, the obligation to report sexual misconduct is not discretionary. 负责任的员工可能不会, for example, 决定不举报被指控的不当行为,因为他或她认为情况不够严重, 或者是因为他或她不相信这件事发生了. 这些决定是由第九条协调员和适当的大学官员做出的.
  • 禁止独立响应. 在任何情况下,任何雇员不得, department, organization, 大学的任何部门试图单方面解决根据本政策要求报告的任何不当性行为投诉. In these cases, the Responsible Employee must always notify the Title IX Coordinator first, 在与有关官员协商后,由谁决定适当的回应.
  • 告知学生你的义务. 许多负责任的员工可以合理地预测学生可能会向他们报告不当性行为的可能性. 学校鼓励这些员工提前告知学生他们的报告义务. 当不当性行为被举报时, 员工应在谈话中尽早告诉报告人,所提供的任何信息都必须转达给第九条协调员, and that if the reporting person prefers to keep the information confidential, the University has resources such as the Campus Counseling Center and O.W. Reily Student Health Center that can provide confidential assistance.
  • 告诉报告人接下来会发生什么. A Responsible Employees should tell the person reporting sexual misconduct (1) that they will be informing the Title IX Coordinator of the incident; (2) why they are sharing this information—i.e., their obligation to inform those on campus in a position to respond; and (3) that the University will contact them to provide additional information and support.
  • 不与他人分享信息. 一旦你通知了第九条协调员,你的报告职责就完成了. 您不得与任何人分享该信息. If your supervisor or someone you report to expects to be notified of such reports, you may inform them that you have relayed a complaint to the Title IX Coordinator, and that they may contact the coordinator directly with questions or concerns.
  • Failure to report. 负责任的员工未能报告他们所知道的性或性别骚扰或歧视事件, 是否违反了学校的政策,如果不遵守学校的政策,是否会受到纪律处分.

If my report of sexual harassment involves alcohol use, will be punished?

While the University does not condone violations of its policies, reporting incidents of sexual misconduct is of paramount importance. Thus, 大学不会对任何持有或使用酒精或毒品的人采取纪律处分, 当在一份KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载性行为不端的善意报告或其他与本政策下的调查有关的善意陈述过程中披露该持有或消费时.

3. 机密的援助

某些大学工作人员能够在保密的基础上为性行为不端的受害者提供援助. 这些人不需要向第九条协调员或其他任何人传达有关性行为不端的信息. Consequently, 与这些人的沟通不会使大学注意到性行为不端. 虽然这些人可能能够提供帮助,如咨询或保健, 通知他们不会引发大学的调查或任何纪律处分程序. 保密援助的来源包括:

  • 校园咨询(662)-846-4690允许学生与心理健康咨询师秘密会面. Additionally, 校园咨询可以提供性侵犯辩护律师, 谁可以提供保密协助, including (1) explaining reporting options; (2) providing accompaniment and assistance in seeking medical care or police assistance; and (3) seeking other assistance without disclosing the victim’s identity.
  • O.W. 赖利学生健康中心(662)-846-4630为大学社区成员提供医疗服务. 与健康中心工作人员共享的信息, including information pertaining to sexual assault or other misconduct, is confidential.

As discussed above, 根据适用的法律法规,学校可以选择授予其他员工保密身份. 如果您不确定员工是否需要向大学报告不当性行为, 请咨询标题IX协调员.

4. 匿名披露

性行为不端或其他不道德或非法行为的匿名投诉可以通过DSU道德热线进行, 一个全面和保密的在线报告工具. An online report can be completed via the Ethics Line web page (http://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/31497/index.html),这个连结也在大学的主页上. 通过电话提交报告,请拨打(877)310-0424.

DSU道德热线不是911或紧急服务. If your situation involves any immediate threat, call 911 or the DSU警察局而不是道德底线. Further, the Ethics Line is not a substitute for reporting under this policy. 同时,大学将采取适当措施解决匿名披露的安全威胁或其他持续存在的问题, 它的反应能力, impose discipline, and/or accommodate the complainant normally will be significantly limited. 因此,强烈鼓励社会成员考虑本政策中列出的其他报告选择.

5. 向执法机构报告

本政策中的报告程序并不打算代替向执法机构报告不当性行为. 不当性行为可能涉及违法行为. 大学社区成员始终保留向警方举报不当性行为的权利. However, reporting to law enforcement is never required under this policy.

在紧急情况下,可以拨打911联系DSU和克利夫兰警察局. Non-emergency contact information for these agencies is as follows:

U.S. Department of Justice – Office of Civil Rights (404) 562-7886

向DSU警察局报告将触发本政策中概述的响应. 向其他执法机构报告不会触发这些回应,除非该机构选择与大学官员分享信息,或者直到你按照本政策的规定进行报告.

根据本政策作出的报告独立于任何刑事调查或诉讼. Thus, you may report to the University, a law enforcement agency, or both. The University, in its discretion, 是否可以等待任何刑事调查或法律程序结束后,才展开自己的调查或纪律程序. 学校可采取临时措施, if necessary, 确保大学社区的安全.

向大学举报不当性行为的个人将被告知向执法机构举报的选择. If requested, 大学将采取合理措施协助个人向执法部门举报.

同时,我们将认真考虑举报方向执法部门提出的不披露信息的要求, 在某些情况下,大学官员必须向执法部门提供信息, such as where disclosure is required by law or is necessary to ensure campus safety.


Mrs. Tameka Curry-Bryant
(662) 846-4159